Sunday 28 May
We are very sorry to announce that we have taken the decision to cancel our car boot sale due to the news that we could no longer hold it in the area we had intended. An alternative was kindly offered, but we did not feel it was quite suitable for the event. We do apologise for the late notice and hope the news does not inconvenience anyone who was planning to attend.
Still going ahead at midday however, is the fiercely fought annual football match between the neighbouring hospitals of Eastbourne’s DGH and Hastings’s Conquest Hospital. The Conquest are current champions, but the DGH players don’t intend that to be the case for long… Just £2 to come in and watch if you book tickets in advance, or £4 on the gate, and free admission for the under-16s, you’ll be cheering on the players of your local hospitals and raising money for the Friends too.
Venue is also Eastbourne Borough Football Club. Kick off is at 12pm, with the clubhouse open beforehand, plus food and refreshments available to purchase in the grounds.
Sunday 28 May
10:00 - 12:00
Eastbourne Borough Football Club, Priory Lane, BN23 7QH